Sunday 27 April 2008

A Staggering Monument - 4.000 American Military Dead

With the popularity of George W. Bush at its lowest level ever, the presumptive Republican candidate declaring to stay in Iraq for another 100 years, the Democratic presidential primaries in a heated battle and the War in Iraq still no.1 on the priority list of many an American voter, it is no surprise that artists express themselves targeting political issues.

It is becoming a trend using all types of products to create a mosaic. Used metro tickets, pieces of scrap or what ever inspire people to assemble an artistic object.
When some weeks ago the 4.000st American soldier died in the Iraq war, Nico Pitney released this portrait.
I have seldom seen something so lugubrious and at the same time so brilliant and breathtakingly sensitive that words fail me.

4.000 small photographs of the US soldiers fallen in Iraq, arranged into a portrait of their good-time-having “Commander-in-Chief” and his potential successor.
As said, more words fail me and are not needed. Therefore I solely refer to the words of the creator of this mosaic Nico Pitney of Huffington Post and quote his words:
"In remembrance of the 4.000 brave men and women who sacrificed everything for us -- and the two men who would continue this great tragedy, despite the cost to our soldiers, our military, and our nation."

Click here to see the full (very large) image and gape at the 4.000 faces in silence. When you have downloaded the large image, click to zoom in. It is staggering. Simply staggering

(Note: Since some photos of fallen U.S. soldiers are unavailable, there are duplicates.)

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